Image: Coquet Vets, 2022
Jasper came to us as an emergency appointment. He was fine in the morning, then early afternoon his behaviour quickly changed. He was unsettled, pacing, hyper salivating, and drooling.
Our Vet, Rachel performed a full clinical exam on him. His vital signs were normal, he was bright, and there was nothing on his coat or feet. He was sent home to monitor as he had perked up and nothing was found.
The next morning, the owner called to say he was hyper salivating even more and his tongue was red. We advised that he should be re-seen, and he came back to the clinic. After a re-examination it was decided that he should be admitted for bloods and investigation into his mouth.
To enable us to fully assess his mouth, we anaesthetised him. The examination showed a swollen and inflamed tongue and patches of inflammation at the back of this throat.
Photo: Coquet Vets, 2022
These lesions are most consistent with contact with something that has been licked or eaten that is caustic. After speaking to the owners, it became apparent that it was most likely that Jasper had licked some cleaning product that the owner had used the day before.
He was sent home with pain relief, and we asked the owner to call us if Jasper was not improving.
We are glad to say that Jasper has fully recovered, and he is back to his normal self.
If this article has raised any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us on 01665 252 250.