Don’t Step On A Bee Day 2022
8th July 2022 | Written by the team at Coquet Vets
Image by Martin Ludlam from Pixabay
Did you know that the 10th of July is National Don’t Step on a Bee Day? Following the recent press surrounding the Bee Crisis‚ this year is all about protecting our precious bees.
The National Don’t Step on a Bee Day organiser’s explain why bees are so precious: “Not only do our bees help provide the honey, propolis and beeswax contained within your favourite Bee Good products, they also help to keep us all fed and watered! Without the tireless work of our little buzzing friends, over a third of everything we eat would disappear from our tables.”
Share the message to help to protect bees
This Don’t Step on a Bee Day, we are all being urged to help spread the message that bees are precious and not to step on them! You can share the message with your audience on Facebook or Twitter and tag @BeeGood_UK or use #DontStepOnABeeDay to help raise awareness.
You can also find more facts and information on bees in our article ‘The Importance of Bees’ here.
Image: Ralphs Fotos by Pixabay
Follow These Top 5 Bee Care Tips
See below for the Bee Good UK’s Top 5 Bee Care Tips to give you inspiration for Don’t Step on a Bee Day:
Don’t step on a bee! (Of course)
Support your local beekeeper! The majority of our honey here in the UK is imported (85%!), but with the wealth of bee keepers on our doorstep there is really no need. Support your local bee keeper by visiting a near-by farm shop or deli and enjoy their precious produce for breakfast on some warm buttered toast – yum!
Plant your Bee Good labels! Our little tags that accompany all your Bee Good product orders are impregnated with special wildflower seeds that bees simply can’t get enough of! Just soak the label for an hour and plant under an inch of soil and watch your wild meadow grow!
Download the Great British Bee Count app. This wonderful app created by Friends of the Earth allows you to log the bees you spot out and about. This builds a picture of bee health and activity in the UK to secure a thriving future for our buzzing bees! You can find out more about the app and when it is taking place here.
Build a bee hotel! Did you know that bees need somewhere to rest when they venture out on their pollen mission? Get the kids involved and get building! You can find a step-by-step guide here.