Dental Disease
9th July 2021 | Posted by The Team at Coquet Vets
Photo: Dental X-ray (Coquet Vets, 2021)
Dental disease is one of the most common diseases that we see in small animal practice. It is estimated that over 80% of our pets and dogs are affected by issues with their teeth, but unfortunately, this often goes undiagnosed and untreated.
There are many signs that your pet may have dental disease. These can be very subtle, and they can also be totally absent, so it’s important to get your pets teeth checked at least once a year by your vet.
It is an extremely common misconception that because your pet is eating well, their teeth are fine. Unfortunately, this is far from true, and dogs and cats with significant and even severe dental disease will often still eat.
Clinical signs of dental disease include
Halitosis (bad breath)
Preferring soft food
Rubbing / pawing of face
Red and inflamed gums (sometimes bleeding)
Swelling of face
Weight loss
General malaise
Treatment of dental disease is important for many reasons. Poor dental health can affect the whole body and we often see vast improvement in elderly patients who have their teeth treated.
Photo: Dental procedure (Coquet Vets, 2021)
Poor dental health can be painful and if there is infection present, this can challenge the immune system. We all know how it feels to have a tiny ulcer in the mouth, or a tooth root abscess, and animals feel the same.
Here at Coquet Vets, we offer free of charge dental checks. We will have a thorough look at your pet’s mouth (if they allow!), and then we talk you through the options. All dental procedures are performed under a general anaesthetic, as we use ultrasonic cleaning and water and it’s essential that their airways are protected. We always perform dental X-rays too, as this helps us to assess the whole mouth and treat the teeth appropriately.
After the procedure we will discuss home care with you to try to prevent recurrence of dental issues.
If you want to arrange a free of charge dental check up for your pet, or this article has raised any concerns, call us today on 01665 252 250.